into a Brick Wall
Apart from the actual symptoms, the
most alienating aspect of psychiatric drug withdrawal is the invalidation by
the medical community. I spent much of 2012 – the year I hit tolerance with
benzodiazepines - visiting my doctor, knowing something was wrong and
suspecting the medication, only to be encouraged to pursue other – more well
known – avenues of treatment.
The key discovery at the time came
when I stumbled on the Ashton Manual – the online guide to benzodiazepine
tolerance, withdrawal, and discontinuation. Written by a neurologist with
impeccable credentials, Dr. Heather Ashton spent years running a clinic for
people trying to get off the drug. Her clinical description of symptoms
associated with the medication, tolerance and withdrawal, mirrored my
experience. It was the first time I felt like I wasn't descending into
But despite the nearly unimpeachable
rigor of the manual and the ubiquity of benzodiazepine prescriptions worldwide
(xanax is the number one most prescribed drug in the US), my physician had no
knowledge of the manual or the syndrome and neither did most other established
healthcare sources I pursued. Her research and methodology, however, was
unimpeachable and my doctor was willing to go along with her tapering protocol
after I showed him the manual.
Her manual gave me a modicum of
legitimacy in my attempt to convince my doctor that I was having a PHYSICAL
reaction and my symptoms were not a manifestation of a "mental health
Trying to find a Sheriff or a Mayor in the Wild West
When you get off the main road of
established medical conditions and treatments like I had to do with psychiatric
medication withdrawal, you find yourself in a dense forest of uncertainty. The
online community of alternative medicine and support groups for benzodiazepine
and SSRI withdrawal in general is a living embodiment of the wild west. There
are no rules. Because of the dearth of research into drug discontinuation -
what you encounter for coping strategies is anecdotal and often times
What I wanted more than anything
were more voices of medical credibility to back up the Ashton Manual. Heather
Ashton for all her brave work, did not create a movement or get heavily involved
in advocacy. She also doesn't seem to have too many other colleagues in the
field who have studied the long-term cognitive effects of benzodiazepines and
the drawn-out symptoms some people encounter when they get off. So who do
people turn to for legitimacy when trying to get awareness and acceptance of
this phenomenon?
Fortunately, there is a burgeoning psychiatric reform movement with compelling voices, led by serious professionals like Robert Whitaker (an independent journalist who has uncovered an amazing amount of data that throws cold water on the efficacy of psychiatric medication), Peter Gotzsche (an internal medicine specialist and expert in clinical trials and the drug industry), and David Healy (a psychiatrist who runs an excellent prescription drug database and advocacy site RxISK). Those three alone have helped build a grassroots campaign questioning the validity of psycho-pharmacology. Many other mental health care specialists and former patients have joined them in advocacy for reform and awareness of the harms of psychoactive drugs.
Self-Described "Conscience of Psychiatry"
And then there's Peter
Breggin is a
psychiatrist and a long-time critic of biological psychiatry and the medical
management of mental health care. He has for decades railed against medicating
people with mental health issues and criticized essentially all psychiatric
drug use.
Frequently cited by
psychiatric reformers, Breggin's adoration often approaches patron saint status
– something he seems to relish as he refers to himself on his weekly podcast as
“the conscience of psychiatry.” That he was an early critic of
psycho-pharmacology definitely plays into this unquestioning respect. But this
is not a man whose background is entirely credible and who has made questionable
choices in the way he spreads his message.
What motivated me to
write about Breggin and how his specter haunts me is the manner in which
grassroots critical psychiatry organizations like Council for Evidence-Based
Psychiatry (Dr Gotzsche's advocacy organization) and Mad in America (Robert
Whitaker's well-known grassroots web page) unquestioningly embrace him.
Frequent Guest on Hateful Far Right and UFO/Paranormal Programs
But it only takes a
quick look at Breggin's career path and associations for me to feel completely
uncomfortable with those organizations putting his face on the front of their
web pages and trumpeting him as a legitimate medical authority.
Just enter “Peter
Breggin” into Google and count the crazy.
For one, you find
numerous guest appearances on some of the weirdest, most paranoid programs
around. One of the most glaring examples is his presence on the
wacky AM radio program called Coast to Coast. On its web site, the program
describes itself as “a media phenomenon, Coast to Coast AM deals with UFOs,
strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained (and often
inexplicable) phenomena.”
Breggin has not just
made one or two appearances on the program, he has his own link on the page as a recurring guest.
Program titles he's been a guest on include “Psychiatric Drugs/UFO Disclosure”;
“Supernatural Realms & Psychic Work,” “Satanic Ritual Abuse,” and “Advanced
Beings and Reincarnation.” His portion of the segments are grounded in his work
and criticism of psychiatry, but the surrounding content is literally not of
this earth.
The crazy takes a more
pernicious turn when you discover Breggin is also a frequent guest on
the Alex Jones Show. A vile and grotesque demagogue, 9/11 truther, Sandy Hook skeptic, armed militia
supporter, and friend of illuminati wackadoodle
theorist David Icke, Alex Jones and his show mines the most paranoid conspiratorial theories, actively encouraging its listeners to buy
survival kits for the upcoming apocalypse as well as hatefully endorsing President Donald Trump's most racist elements.
In a June 27th 2014 appearance,
Breggin and host David Knight spend a good 20 minutes in a froth over fears of
the government inserting brain chips into the populace. The kernal of truth in
the segment is a project by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) to record and stimulate brain activity in
veterans with issues related to PTSD. It's not nearly as Orwellian it sounds
either as it incorporates Deep Brain Stimulation technology which is
already a common and popular form of therapy for treatment of neurological
conditions like Parkinson's and dystonia (a movement disorder). But to hear
Breggin and Knight opine about it, it's the next step before being assimilated
by the Borg.
And if that isn't
enough, Breggin is a frequent guest of the unhinged, hateful right wing radio
personality Michael Savage's show. You may remember Savage from several years
ago when he created an uproar claiming that autism
was a fraud and that, in 99% of the cases an autistic child is
a “brat who hasn't learned to cut the act.” The widespread revulsion of the
comments resulted in Savage's nationally-syndicated program losing sponsors and
getting picketed by parents groups. But it certainly isn't too objectionable to
Savage's show is your
typical right wing AM talk radio program, focused on the horrors the Democratic
party, and progressives in general, inflict upon our god-fearing country.
Breggin has been on the show most of the time to discuss the over-medication of
society where he frequently plays into Savage's hand trying to depict the
problem as stemming from heavy-handed big government forcing medication on
hapless souls. But at least on one occasion, Breggin himself editorialized
on the dangers progressives inflict on society by shirking away from “personal
I mean never mind that
if it weren't for the gains of progressives, Breggin wouldn't have the ability
to access government and corporate records that he uses when he's tasked with
being an expert witness in litigation cases against pharmaceutical companies.
He certainly wouldn't have the legal avenues open to him for his litigants to
pursue wrongful death lawsuits, a lucrative money making avenue of his career.
But beyond even that, his gross caricature of progressives as eschewing
personal responsibility and likening them to children is so simple-minded and
naïve that I can't imagine how he's ever been able to convince anyone of
Dragging him Through The Mud
Dr. Breggin has been at
this a long time. That could be part of the attachment to him – he was making
these arguments before Robert Whitaker, before Marcia Angell, and the Kirsch Study. Perhaps Whitaker, Gotsche and
others feels a debt of gratitude to Breggin for paving the way and getting many
things right about the dangers of psychiatric drugs decades earlier. But I
still think it's worth debating.
I tried pointing out my
reservations about Dr Breggin in the comments section of his youtube video in
Mad In America. I cited the frequent guest appearances on Coast to Coast and
his June interview on the Alex Jones Show.
I definitely expected
some blowback from other commenters, but I did not expect the site to remove
portions of what I wrote. Just 12 hours after writing my concerns about him,
however, I got an email from the Mad In America website moderator informing me
that two comments I made were being removed.
One of the objectionable
remarks I made was “Breggin has a relationship with Scientology.” Technically,
that's not accurate. Breggin HAD a relationship with Scientology when he worked
for the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) – an organization created by
the Church of Scientology to combat psychiatry and psychiatric medication. He
stopped working for the organization in the 70's and completely disavowed
Scientology not long after. But CCHR still disseminates
his work and criticisms (most likely against his preference)
and so it's easy make the assumption of a connection.
But it's the other
“objectionable” remark that drew rebuke that really floored me – the moderator
removed a sentence that “implied he is a 'zealot.'” I simply was expressing my
uneasiness with him as a major figure in the reform movement and the rigid
combativeness he exudes when talking about the field of psychiatry. That was over
the line, apparently as the moderator told me, “I don't think it would be respectful or
responsible for us to offer a platform for bloggers just to let them be dragged
through the mud.”
And that's the mystery
in a nutshell. Does Mad In America and the Council for Evidence-Based
Psychiatry not know that the person they promote on their web site airs his
views on shows so easily dismissed by rational people? Is accurately pointing
that out "dragging him through the mud"? I am more of a “victim” of
psychiatry than he ever will be (in fact, he's benefited a great deal from
psychiatry when you look at his paid efforts of criticism), yet I'm the one
being censored for voicing uneasiness with his vaunted status.
Summarizing the Case and Why It Matters to Me
Why is the psychiatric
reform movement trumpet this guy so readily? How can such a movement engage in
dialogue with the established mental health world, when one of its
most-promoted figures so effortlessly associates himself with crazy and
This seems maddeningly
self-defeating for a movement that desperately needs understanding and
This is not an academic
issue to me. I've been pounding my head against the wall for three years now
trying to carve out a space of understanding with doctors, family members and
friends. What would any of them say if they saw Peter Breggin's multiple guest
appearances on Coast to Coast? How much success could anyone have saying, “just
focus on what he says about psychiatric medication and ignore the fact that he
goes on shows about UFO's, lizard people and paranoid conspiracy theories.”
If I had used Breggin as my source rather than Dr. Ashton's, how seriously would I have been taken? It's not an academic issue for me.
But I feel like I'm the
only one. And I don't understand it. Where are the people - those fighting for
acceptance, awareness and more research into this field - vigorously objecting
to the inclusion of Peter Breggin as a reliable and legitimate authority?
When I was at my worst
and there was simply no where to turn for support and understanding, I doubted
myself. If this isn't a real condition– I thought – then
I'M the problem. I'm too weak for this world. There is no one here to back me
up, to take the burden of responsibility off me, to say that this is not my
I wanted research that
proved what I was going through was not a personal failing, but a genuine
medical phenomenon from taking benzodiazepines and SSRIs as prescribed by a
doctor. I wanted credible, sensible voices whose work I could share with the
physicians and counselors I was going to for help. And so have scores of people
before me, scores of people right now trying to work with their doctors for
help, and scores of people who have yet reached tolerance.
There is so little out there in the mainstream medical world validating this experience that isolated me and many others. So much is unknown because the research is lacking. So much still needs to happen for this condition to be accepted and understood. It's not that the numbers of people suffering what I've gone through are dramatic, it's that the experience for those who do suffer from it is so traumatic and disabling that many resort to suicide. I know this for a fact because no fewer than three people I encountered on message boards and support forums took their lives while I was frequenting them.
So this is the place I'm coming from when I raise this case about Dr Breggin. I personally feel that his poster-boy status is harming those of us fighting for awareness and legitimacy and I genuinely want a dialogue on this so I can either understand why he's so prominently featured or plant seeds of concern about him and the questionable baggage he carries.
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